Learn how Quantum measurement influences or shapes cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality that define human behavior in terms of free will, randomness and autonomy in the nature of choices we make.
Tag: Autonomy
Exploring Wave Nature of Matter & its Random Nature in Cosmic Fabric
Learn about the cosmic interplay of inherent randomness in wave nature of matter, its unpredictability or lack of it and how that explains human behavior, free will and autonomy on a cosmic scale governed by Cosmic Equilibrium of Visible and Invisible Planes of Human Existence
The Battle for Autonomy: Unraveling the Impact of the Fusion Matrix on Human Behavior
Learn how Fusion Matrix, a powerful non random non autonomous construct that houses dark malevolent entities, dark energy and dark matter in the invisible energy body of ever human being shapes their personalities by controlling their randomness and free will.
Reclaiming Autonomy through Randomness & Spontaneity of Food & Walking Adventures
Learn How we can Reclaim Autonomy & Understand Cosmic Reality through Random Joyful Acts of Eating & Spontaneous Zig Zag Walking Experiences that foster Deep Questioning and Critical Examination of our Cognitive Biases, Self & the Nature of Reality Around us.
Decoding the Cosmic Reality through Sheer Power of Critical & Logical Reasoning
We can unlock all the cosmic realities by the sheer power of critical reasoning, only if we objectively & critically examine equally both Self and Nature (& Creator) and that happens only if the Cosmic Equilibrium of Full Autonomy, Free Will & Randomness remains Uncompromised.
The Manifestation of Supernatural Powers: A Journey through Cosmic Adherence
Learn how the Mystical Superpowers manifest in Individuals in Autonomous Universes as a natural outcome of their repeated adherence to Cosmic Laws over many Lifetimes and diverse Experiences.
The Cosmic Fabric of Autonomous Universes
Unravel the Secrets of Cosmic Autonomy and Learn about the Autonomous Universes that are Characterized by Unbounded Free Will, Random Design with Free Random Choices, Organic Lifeforms and Benevolent Experiential Evolution