Apart from the enduring mysteries surrounding Darkness, Dark Energy and Dark Matter, lies a captivating phenomenon within the enigmatic realms of string science, knowns as wave-particle duality. This concept, rooted in quantum mechanics as well as string dynamics, suggests that particles such as electrons and photons can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties depending on the experimental setup.
Wave nature and particle nature are fundamental aspects of how matter and energy behave in the universe. String theory proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles but tiny, vibrating one dimensional strings. String theory turns into String Dynamics – the same vibrations are also observed in 3D i.e. human beings and various other life forms. The String Dynamics unveil a very deep connection between the fundamental nature of the universe and human behavior.
The existence of a one dimensional string both as a wave and a particle in a perfect cosmic equilibrium becomes the governing principle for formation of the laws of all universes. This also means that both creator and its creation form a cosmic equilibrium with each other & cannot act bigger than each other. This forms the bedrock of law of equality for all universes.
The coexistence of a one-dimensional string as both a wave and a particle in a state of perfect cosmic equilibrium serves as the fundamental governing principle for formation of the laws of all universes. This also signifies that the creator and its creation maintain a harmonious cosmic equilibrium, with neither entity overshadowing the other. This principle forms the foundational basis for the universal law of equality, ensuring balance and unified existence and interconnectedness throughout all realms.
This law of equality forms the bases of unbounded free will, autonomy and randomness for all the human beings in autonomous universes. However, this law is highly violated on earth and in all the non autonomous universes. Isn’t it a common sense – the way you see all the strife, crime, wars and violence on earth. The cosmic balance between the creator and creation, or the interplay of wave and particle nature in human dynamics, is manifested either through group formation (representing the wave nature) or in the form of individual existence (particle nature).
The display of particle behavior of a string is reflected in the way it responds to the environment as an independent entity while the display of wave behavior is reflected in the way the one dimension string responds to the environment as part of group or a community. The cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality is what forms the genesis formation of all forms of life as per cosmic principles and laws of all the universes that exhibit zero tolerance for every and any form of untruth and inequality.
When the wave particle duality is in perfect cosmic equilibrium – it leads to the formation of autonomous realities or universes with non deterministic path ways of evolution for all life forms yet governed by cosmic principles and unwavering commitment to the maintenance of laws of all universes. When the wave particle cosmic equilibrium is severely disrupted (akin to violation of cosmic principles and laws of all universes) – it leads to the formation of non autonomous universes. Unwavering commitment to the cosmic principles of maintenance of natural state of randomness, autonomy and free will leads to the formation of laws of all universes.
To further elucidate this, consider this example of parent child relationship in family dynamics – Both Parents and their Child have to exist in a state of cosmic equilibrium of unselfish devotion to each other (that maintains the perfect cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality for both of them in all scenarios). The perfect state of cosmic equilibrium of unselfish devotion is only maintained through equality in love and reciprocal learning from each other.
The cosmic equilibriums of equality in love and reciprocal learning from each other (that ensure the maintenance of wave particle duality) are maintained under all scenarios only when the same cosmic principles and laws are also applied to the continuous expanding circle of relationships in form of the family and friends tree layer by layer (much like loop inside loop that acts as a glue that maintains the wave particle duality under all scenarios).
To maintain the cosmic equilibrium of equality of love and reciprocal learning from each other under all scenarios (that maintains wave-particle duality under all scenarios), the same cosmic principles and laws are also applied subsequently to all the associations and relationships in form of a connection tree layer by layer. After a while, once this connection tree has grown to a certain size, the individual starts experiencing interconnectedness with the entire humanity even with people who he doesn’t know or even relate to. He exists as a wave and a particle at a global scale and ceases to exist as a local entity. He becomes a cosmic warrior, the law keeper of all realities. He becomes the creator and maintainer of autonomous universes and destroyer of all non autonomous universes.
The cosmic principles of randomness, autonomy and free will are the bedrock of creation of life forms in any given reality. Violation of the cosmic principles and laws of all universes leads to the formation of non autonomous realities. These non autonomous universes (created and governed by non benevolent creator in form of dark malevolent entities) fundamentally stifle free state and the natural string behavior (source of all randomness in human beings) of every human being by deploying deterministic, non homogeneous, non random operating frameworks of fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP) – more on these in the later sections.
The free state and natural string behavior is reflected in the inherent randomness, autonomy, free will and the number of free choices available for every sentient being. When this free state and natural string behavior is unrestricted – its an autonomous reality and it turns in non autonomous reality when the same free state and natural string behavior (that exists in perfect cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality) is compromised and curtailed in the violation of cosmic principles and fundamental laws of all the universes.
The violation is severely reflected in the disruption of cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality and hence becomes the crux of the cosmic fabric of non autonomous universes. In terms of cosmological terms – its the merger of light & darkness (dark energy and dark matter) that are the binding glue of non autonomous universes. For autonomous universes, its the merger of light, sound, action and repeat action (Karma) that forms the strong adhesive for creation of all life forms with strict adherence to cosmic principles and unwavering commitment to fundamental laws of all the universes. These cosmic principles and fundamental laws of all universes prime natural string behavior for all sentient beings by maintaining perfect cosmic equilibrium of wave-particle duality for all human beings and all lifeforms under all the possible scenarios without equilibrium.
This is analogous to maintenance of perfect equilibrium of group behavior and individual behavior under all circumstances under the lens of a benevolent creator formed through the merger of light, sound & kinetic energy of the atmospheric gases and energy created by action & repeat action (called as Karma). The merger of four different types of energies is what defines homogeneous mixture that creates life forms in autonomous universes under a benevolent gaze that has inherently string nature that manifests in form of unbounded randomness and autonomy. This benevolent lens is called as ‘observer’ effect based on non interference, non controlling and non deterministic principles.
In autonomous universes, the cosmic fabric of human existence has two components – visible and invisible planes of human existence that complement each other and form a homogeneous mixture. Visible plane is the matter or physical body and its experiences while invisible plane is the energy body (or soul or karmic energy body) that is manifested by the action and repeat action of the matter (also referred to as Karma).
In non autonomous universes, the cosmic fabric of visible and invisible components forms a non homogeneous mixture. This formation results due to the entanglement of deterministic, non random constructs of fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP) along with the soul in the invisible plane. This entanglement non homogeneous in nature, does not complement visible plane of the human beings. This is because the only goal of this corrupted mixture is to curtail natural string behavior of all human beings by destroying the cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality.
This article delves into deep understanding of wave particle nature from a new lens of cosmic fabric that is based on the classification of universes into autonomous and non autonomous and how these universes differ based on string dynamics and wave particle duality and their parallels to human behavior dynamics in term of free will, autonomy and randomness. Fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP) have a huge impact on the Wave and Particle Nature and subsequently also on Wave Particle Duality. But before we jump in the details of wave particle nature, wave particle duality and randomness, lets briefly understand what these deterministic non autonomous constructs are before we delve into in depth understanding of wave particle nature and wave particle duality.
Fusion Matrix & Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP)
The Fusion Matrix represents a metaphysical structure that significantly impacts the nature of reality within non autonomous universes. It serves as a complex and influential construct, weaving together various elements such as dark energy, malevolent entities, dark matter, and the essence of the soul within the invisible energy body of individuals. This amalgamation forms a framework through which external forces exert control and manipulation over an individual’s experiences and choices. Its design is intricate, aimed at manipulating and reshaping the natural tendencies and personalities of individuals to align with its own agenda. This agenda often runs counter to the cosmic principles and laws of autonomous universes, emphasizing control and subjugation over autonomy and free will.
Dark malevolent entities within the corrupted fusion matrix exercise a manipulative influence on the choices individuals make in their daily lives. Preferences, opinions, and even seemingly inconsequential decisions are subtly nudged by these entities, directing individuals towards predetermined outcomes. This suits the non autonomous deterministic agenda of the dark malevolent entities to curtail free will and inherent randomness in every human being . This manipulation extends beyond major life choices and infiltrates mundane activities, perpetuating the illusion of autonomy while adhering to the grand design orchestrated by the fusion matrix.
Example: Consider an individual choosing between two seemingly random options, like selecting a meal from a menu. The influence of dark entities in the corrupted matrix may subtly guide them towards a particular choice, influencing even the seemingly inconsequential decisions in their life.
Holographic simulation projection (HSP) embodies a deterministic and non-random framework (of non autonomous universes) that imposes fabricated scenarios and predetermined outcomes and restricts natural wave nature of matter . It operates as a sophisticated projection mechanism, crafting intricate illusions that confine sentient beings within rigid boundaries by constraining free choices (isolated particle behavior).
Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) works by manipulating sensory inputs and external events to construct a tailored narrative that influences the choices and actions of individuals. It’s akin to being immersed in a highly realistic simulation that blurs the lines between what is real and what is artificially constructed. The goal is to steer individuals toward specific outcomes or behavioral patterns that align with the agenda of the dark entities orchestrating the projections.
It not only stifles individual choices but also distorts the fundamental principle of randomness, leading to a world where actions and events unfold under calculated control rather than genuine volition. This severely affects wave and particle nature as well as wave particle duality that typically thrives in autonomous universes with unbounded free choices, absolute autonomy and free will to explore diverse paths that maintain the natural random state of every individual (with strict adherence to cosmic principles and laws of autonomous universes)
Learn in detail about Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) and Fusion Matrix :
- The Reason Earth lacks Free Will – Fusion Matrix & Holographic Simulation Projection
- Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) – Shaping the Illusion of Reality to curtail Free Will
- The Battle for Autonomy: Unraveling the Impact of the Fusion Matrix on Human Behavior
Visible & Invisible Planes of Human Existence
In autonomous universes, the visible and invisible planes of human beings operate harmoniously, akin to a well-designed software system where the frontend (visible plane of matter – human body and physical experiences through 5 senses) seamlessly interacts with the backend (invisible plane – Karmic energy body or the soul) to create a coherent and purposeful reality. Here the cosmic creator acts as the ultimate backend architect, ensuring that cosmic principles and laws guide the evolution of sentient beings towards higher unified and harmonious existence. This process happens under the benevolent lens of the cosmic creator and that lens is known as Observer Effect – a non interfering non deterministic effect. This effect is marked by the total absence of any external or internal factors that influence, shape and control human behavior towards any predetermined outcomes.
Conversely, in non-autonomous universes, the visible and invisible dynamics are distorted by the influence of dark malevolent entities in form of non-benevolent creator that shadows the human existence under the non benevolent lens known as Controller Effect – a deterministic, interfering and controlling observer effect that shapes, influences and controls humans, life forms and human behavior towards predetermined outcomes. The frontend, representing visible experiences, becomes entangled in the manipulative web of the Controller Effect that deploys non random manipulation tools like Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection to control, coerce, and deceive sentient beings. This disruption leads to a fragmented reality where free will, autonomy, and randomness are compromised, resulting in a state of cosmic imbalance and disharmony.
These non autonomous deterministic and non random constructs strongly influence wave and particle nature, wave particle duality and the string behavior. This external influence of non random constructs shapes human behavior at all levels of existence and in every sphere of human operations. Understanding Wave and Particle Nature, Wave-Particle Duality or String Theory and String Behavior without deep understanding of how it parallels human behavior is similar to trying to understand the nature of ripples in water without understanding the source of those ripples in parallel. In this example the source of pebbles is the human being and his act of throwing and the invisible creator that is the source or the act behind formation of waves in a vast ocean.
If you exclude that human being and his act of throwing pebble in the pond and similarly, the invisible creator and his act of creating waves in the ocean that mirror across all dimensions of human life and all life forms and the operating environment for those life forms (questioning and critically examining creator and creation both in equal measure) – you can never ever arrive at one common theory or a unified theory that answers all the questions in physics including the cosmic secrets of darkness, dark energy, dark matter and blackholes. You will keep looking at those waves and ripples but will never ever arrive at the conclusion that answers what causes wave function to collapse until you keep treating wave and particle behavior distinct and separate from human behavior and the behavior of the invisible creator and his creation that forms the core of cosmic fabric of existence of all life forms in any given reality.
The cosmic fabric of life has both visible and invisible components that define human existence from the starting point of creation to ending note of destruction. Understanding physics without understanding human behavior is akin to superficial understanding of cosmic creation, maintenance and destruction of life forms at all levels in which light, sound and human action & repeat action (Karma) play equal role. Learn more about Frontend (visible and known) and Backend (invisible and unknown) in Cosmic Reality in detail in this article : Frontend and Backend in Cosmic Journey
It is the limited or total lack of understanding of metaphysics that deals with understanding of cosmic equilibrium of visible and invisible planes of human beings or lack of it (in non autonomous realities), analogous to entanglement of visible and invisible planes of human beings – referred to quantum entanglement of soul + fusion matrix + holographic simulation projection and matter in physics terminology) that doesn’t challenge the current laws of physics and they are about to be toppled in the upcoming earth shaking event. Energy can be created and can be destroyed – This law of physics will be looked at with microscopic lens in that earth shaking event, an event that will shake the foundational pillars of human life and our understanding of everything what we know or have read till date.
Read more about the Reality of Earth and Earth Shaking Event in these articles:
- Earth is Headed for a Big Reset
- The Shocking Reality and Design of Life on Earth
- Absence of Gods, Religions & Mystical Fascination in Autonomous Universes
Understanding Wave and Particle Nature
Imagine you’re at the beach, watching waves in the ocean. Waves are like continuous patterns of movement that flow and interact with each other. In the universe, everything has a kind of duality, just like waves at the beach. This duality involves how things can behave both like waves and like particles.
Wave Nature: When we talk about the wave nature, we’re looking at how things can act, just like the continuous waves, spreading out and interacting in interesting ways. Think of it like ripples in a pond when you drop a pebble. These ripples spread out, cross each other, and create patterns. In the universe, this wave-like behavior shows up in how things move and interact, creating phenomena like diffraction (bending of waves), interference (when waves overlap and affect each other), and wave-packet behavior (how waves group together). Wave like Behavior is Random and Spontaneous without any meticulous planning for a desired outcome.
Particle Nature: Now, let’s switch gears to the particle nature. Imagine tiny, individual building blocks, almost like grains of sand on the beach. These are like particles, with specific properties and locations. They don’t spread out like waves but exist in specific places at specific times. In the universe, this particle-like behavior is seen when things have distinct energy levels, momentum (how fast they’re moving), and position (where they are located).
Wave Particle Duality & how it reflects across Universes
Imagine waves and particles as two different ways things can act. In the realm of physics, the dual nature of particles, characterized by wave-particle duality, presents a fascinating perspective that mirrors the distinctions between autonomous and non-autonomous universes. Exploring the difference between wave nature and particle nature and then understanding wave particle duality and its nuanced parallels with human behavior unveils profound insights into the fundamental fabric of reality and its potential parallels with cosmic principles.
Wave nature and particle nature represent two fundamental aspects of matter and energy in the universe. The wave nature is associated with phenomena such as diffraction, interference, and wave-packet behavior, where particles or strings exhibit wavelike properties such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. On the other hand, particle nature pertains to the localized behavior of entities, characterized by discrete energy levels, momentum, and position. Lets understand these in real depth below :
Wave Nature and Autonomous Universes – The maximum wave nature in physics can be likened to autonomous universes governed by non-deterministic principles, randomness, and free will. Waves exhibit inherent variability, unpredictability, and the potential for superposition, where multiple states can coexist simultaneously. Similarly, autonomous universes embrace a spectrum of possibilities, allowing for diverse outcomes, choices, and trajectories. Wave Particle Duality as exemplified by String Behavior (its no longer a theory in Autonomous Universes) exists in Cosmic Equilibrium in Autonomous Universes. More on that in later sections
In autonomous universes, the characteristics of the wave nature of matter are profoundly intertwined with the essence of non-deterministic behavior. This non-determinism manifests through spontaneity and randomness, embodying the inherent flexibility and adaptability inherent in such realms. One of the key hallmarks of these universes is their strict adherence to the cosmic principles and laws governing the fabric of existence. This adherence forms the bedrock upon which the intricate dance of spontaneity and randomness unfolds.
In these autonomous realms, uncertainty and probability-based outcomes prevail due to the high degree of inherent randomness ingrained in the wave nature of matter. This randomness is not chaotic but rather a structured form of unpredictability that allows for diverse possibilities and potential pathways. It is akin to a cosmic improvisation where each moment unfolds with a degree of novelty and uniqueness, contributing to the rich tapestry of experiences within these universes.
The flexibility and adaptability observed in the wave nature of matter in autonomous universes find their analogous traits in the very fabric of these realms. Here, sentient beings experience an unbounded number of free choices, reflecting the essence of free will and choice-driven actions. Every decision, every action is imbued with the essence of randomness, spontaneity, and unpredictability, mirroring the dynamic nature of the cosmos itself.
In nutshell – The autonomy experienced in autonomous universes extends beyond mere decision-making; it encompasses the freedom to choose diverse paths and experiences. This autonomy is not limited or constrained but rather expansive, allowing individuals to navigate the cosmic landscape with a sense of empowerment and self-determination. It is a realm where the wave nature of matter and the behavior of sentient beings harmonize to create a symphony of possibilities, constantly evolving and reshaping the cosmic narrative.
Particle Nature and Non-Autonomous Universes : Conversely, the maximum particle nature aligns with non-autonomous universes characterized by deterministic frameworks, limited choices, and fixed trajectories. Particles exhibit localized behavior, constrained by defined positions, momenta, and energy states. Similarly, non-autonomous universes follow predetermined paths, lack true randomness, and are subject to external influences that dictate outcomes.
The characteristics associated with the particle nature of matter paint a picture of deterministic behavior within the cosmic framework. Unlike the spontaneous and random tendencies of wave-like phenomena, particles exhibit behaviors that are governed by fixed rules and laws. This deterministic nature leads to a violation of cosmic principles and laws of universes in non-autonomous realms, where the rigid adherence to predetermined outcomes under the controlling effect of non benevolent creator stifles the inherent variability and adaptability found in autonomous systems.
In non-autonomous universes, the analogues to particle nature are starkly apparent. Here, sentient beings experience limited free choices, lacking the expansive freedom seen in autonomous realms. The absence of free will and autonomy becomes pronounced, as decisions and actions are often predetermined by external influences or non-random and non-autonomous constructs like the fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP). These constructs exert a controlling influence, shaping the course of events and reducing the variability and adaptability that characterize autonomous decision-making with inherent randomness.
The fixed positions and momenta associated with particle behavior in physics find their reflection in the predetermined outcomes and paths experienced by beings in non-autonomous universes. Much like particles that follow strict trajectories, individuals in these realms may find themselves confined to predetermined life paths, unable to deviate from the course set by external forces or deterministic constructs. This lack of variability and predictability limits the range of experiences and possibilities available to sentient beings, fostering a sense of constraint and rigidity within the cosmic landscape.
Furthermore, the vulnerability to external influences observed in particle interactions corresponds to the controlling influence exerted by non-benevolent entities in non-autonomous universes. Just as particles can be influenced by external forces, individuals in these realms may face manipulation or coercion, leading to actions and outcomes that are not truly reflective of their autonomous will. This reduced variability and adaptability stifles the creative potential and diversity of experiences, contributing to a state of cosmic imbalance and disharmony within these non-autonomous domains.
Cosmic Parallels and the nature of Universes
Drawing parallels between wave-particle duality and the nature of universes sheds light on the diverse frameworks that govern cosmic existence. Autonomous universes, akin to wave nature, embrace complexity, diversity, and the interplay of possibilities. They offer sentient beings the canvas to exercise free will, make choices, and navigate life’s uncertainties.
In contrast, non-autonomous universes, resembling particle (localized) nature, operate within defined boundaries, predetermined structures, and limited variations. Individuals within such universes have limited choices to explore and experience constraints on their choices, lack true randomness, and contend with external influences stemming from fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection that shape their paths and control their behavior.
Understanding these parallels not only enriches our comprehension of fundamental physics but also invites contemplation on the broader philosophical and metaphysical aspects of existence. It encourages us to explore the dynamic interplay between order and chaos, determinism and freedom, and the intricate balance that defines the cosmic tapestry of realities.
Wave Particle Duality Parallels with Human Behavior
The concept of wave-particle duality finds intriguing parallels with human behavior, particularly in the realms of randomness, autonomy, and free will.
Randomness and Inherent Uncertainty: Just as quantum particles exhibit inherent uncertainty in their properties due to wave-particle duality, human behavior often demonstrates randomness and unpredictability. Human decision-making processes can still appear stochastic (with inherent randomness), influenced by a myriad of internal and external factors that contribute to unpredictable outcomes with high degree of uncertainty.
For example, consider the scenario of making a choice between two equally appealing options. The final decision may not follow a deterministic path but can be influenced by subtle fluctuations in mood, random spontaneous thoughts regarding potential choices, past experiences, or even environmental cues, echoing the probabilistic nature of quantum behavior reflecting inherent Randomness in all choices or outcomes that induces Uncertainty in the particles and the same is reflected in the human behavior.
Autonomy and Free Will: Wave-particle duality also touches upon the concepts of autonomy and free will. In the context of string theory, the diverse vibrational modes of strings represent the multitude of possibilities and choices within the cosmic fabric. Similarly, human beings navigate through life with a sense of autonomy, making decisions and shaping their destinies based on individual preferences, beliefs, and aspirations. The ability to exercise free will, although debated in philosophical and scientific circles, aligns with the notion that humans possess a degree of autonomy in their actions, separate from deterministic influences.
Wave Particle Duality in Autonomous Universes
Now, let’s connect these scientific concepts to how humans behave and the idea of autonomous and non-autonomous universes:
Autonomous Universes – Wave of Harmony: In an autonomous universe, individuals and their actions are like waves in harmony with each other. Just as waves in the ocean work together without interference, people in these universes align with a sense of balance, cooperation, and interconnectedness. Their behaviors exhibit a blend of flexibility (like waves) and individuality (like particles).
In autonomous universes, just as waves create beautiful patterns without losing their individuality, people work together in harmony while maintaining their unique traits. Individuals have total freedom to express themselves while contributing to a greater whole in the presence of a benevolent creator who just simply casts an observer effect (without controlling the choices and decisions of people) only intervening when its necessary to bring back the deviated individuals on the path of adherence to cosmic principles and unwavering commitment to laws of autonomous universes.
Cosmic Equilibrium of Wave Particle Duality : In autonomous universes, the cosmic equilibrium of wave-particle duality represents a state of balance and harmony. Here, the observer effect, which is characterized by a benevolent creator, plays a crucial role. The observer effect maintains the equilibrium by allowing both wave and particle nature to thrive. Waves symbolize randomness, spontaneity, exploration interconnectedness and variability, while particles represent individuality, independence and localization with adherence to cosmic principles and laws of universes acting as principle cosmic boundary in which the wave particle duality operates.
In terms of human behavior, individuals in autonomous universes exhibit characteristics akin to wave-particle duality. With Infinite free choices, freedom to chart their own journeys, individuals are inherently random and spontaneous (maximum wave nature) are absolutely free to express their uniqueness but still need to adhere to the cosmic principles and laws of autonomous universes with maximum particle nature – unique and distinct yet interconnected and localized within the boundary of cosmic principles and laws of autonomous universes. This particle nature is exhibited while also being part of a collective consciousness that primes inherent randomness, free will and autonomy in every sentient being .
The observer effect, emerging from a benevolent creator, encourages sentient beings to explore from infinite free choices while adhering to cosmic principles & laws of autonomous universes. This leads to a maximized equilibrium of wave-particle duality, where both aspects are in harmony and contribute to the cosmic fabric’s stability. This balance ensures that cosmic principles and laws of randomness, autonomy and free will are upheld, fostering unity, cooperation, and growth across the universe.
Wave Particle Duality Parallels with Human Behavior in Non Autonomous Universes
In non autonomous universes, there is serious violation of cosmic principles and fundamental laws of all universes due to the presence of deterministic non random constructs – fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP).
Due to this violation, the natural wave nature of matter that is reflected by randomness, free will and autonomy in every human being, gets severely constrained. Individuals and their actions reflect more like those of isolated particles. This non string behavior is the real essence in non-autonomous universes in which wave nature of matter becomes fragmented due to dominance of particle nature. This is akin to a world where each person feels more separate and constrained, with less freedom to move or interact openly. The behaviors here may be more rigid, following set patterns without the fluidity seen in wave-like interactions.
Isolated Particle behavior is also reflected in extreme selfish behavior of individuals which causes inherent dissonance and disharmony on mass scale. This inherent dissonance and disharmony due to extremely isolated behavior also often results in formation of groups (based on different types of hegemonies) of similar isolated individuals that resonate in localized existence with extreme selfishness and utter disregard for cosmic principles and laws of all universes.
Maximized local existence without global unification under common set of values and principles results in fragmented existence. This fragmented behavior is reflected in various aspects of human existence for the same planet with different sets of rules and boundaries for each fragment. These fragments or clusters of similar yet isolated particles reflect in multiple nation theory for the same planet, with each having its own language, currency, religion, education system, economic status etc.
Lack of global unification system due to fragmented wave nature & particle behavior dominance is the prime reason why Earth is devoid of a common language, a common visa, a common currency and a common education system for all nations. A common umbrella of Cosmic Principles and Laws of Autonomous Universes binds the entire planet with a strong adhesive of interconnected and unified existence of entire mankind.
That common umbrella is non existent on earth. The particle behavior dominance and fragmented wave nature has reflected in constitution for every nation instead of one common constitution for earth. In mathematics, this is analogous to maxima and minima concept, where there are too many local maxima or minima that can be grouped together for similar attributes – analogous to different nations without a global maxima – analogous to constitution of earth that unifies entire humanity under one umbrella. The global minima in this case is analogous to severe violation of cosmic principles and laws of all universes. Unselfish devotion and zero tolerance for any and every form of untruth and inequality form the cosmic bedrock of all autonomous universes that prime unbounded free choices, randomness, autonomy and free will for every human being.
Just ponder and reflect – Do we have this cosmic bedrock on Earth ?
The answer is Clear No. This NO stems from lack of understanding that earth has non random design earth that is based upon deterministic principles reflected in the presence of fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP) in the invisible plane of human existence for each and every human being. The inherent randomness and or random behavior is severely compromised for all human beings and all life forms on earth due to these deterministic non random constructs. And we continue to live in the illusion of free will and autonomy, illusion of knowledge about laws of physics without knowing or having an iota of understanding that invisible randomness in all shape and forms is behind all natural phenomenon and is the ultimate truth of all Universes. The resulting string dynamics (and not string theory) that ensures cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality in all directions is the bedrock on which the fundamental laws of autonomous universes are based.
Disrupted Cosmic Equilibrium of Wave Particle Duality
Non autonomous universes experience a severely disrupted cosmic equilibrium of wave-particle duality due to the presence of controller effect. Here, the violation of cosmic principles and laws by non-benevolent entities results in an extremely skewed balance on either side towards particle as well as wave leading to particle nature dominance with fragmented wave nature. This leads to scenarios where particle nature dominates over wave nature i.e. individual behavior dominates over group behavior while in other cases, wave dominates over particle i.e. group behavior dominates over individual behavior.
This fragmented wave behavior or particle nature dominance is reflected in violence, crime, wars and divisions of all kinds on earth. No benevolent creator would allow that to exist if the cosmic principle that forms the basis of fundamental laws of autonomous universes was not compromised. That cosmic principle is zero tolerance for any and every form of untruth and inequality which is reflected in the disrupted cosmic equilibrium of wave particle duality on earth.
Isolated Particle behavior reflects in tyranny of a dictator or communities comprising extremely selfish individuals that exist in separation with each other. When the particle behavior dominates, it becomes dictatorship and when the group (of similar particles or extremely selfish people) behavior dominates it becomes either religious, political, military, economic or internet hegemony (where information and social media engines become user behavior surveillance as well as interference tools) and is reflected in the abuse of power. In either case, the severely disrupted Cosmic equilibrium of Wave Particle duality is reflected in disrupted cosmic equilibrium of group and individual behavior i.e. either individual dominance prevails or group dominance and they never ever exist in perfect harmony with each other.
In non-autonomous universes, the controller effect (which is referred to as non interfering observer effect in autonomous universes) restricts free will, autonomy, and randomness, pushing individuals towards a more deterministic and isolated existence. This disruption leads to disharmony, lack of unity and a diminished cosmic equilibrium where the variability of wave nature is minimized, and the localization of particle nature is maximized. This localized maximization of particle nature also leads to formation of particle groups reflecting the behavior of individual particle. This means there is huge variation between groups similar to religious, military or cultural hegemony with inherent divisions and boundaries and further reducing the number of choices for each individual to explore diverse pathways.
When the number of choices become highly constrained or limited from an unlimited number for each individual, it severely damages the random behavior of individuals leading to a deterministic framework in which ‘Selfish’ and ‘Power Seeking’ traits rule. This is greatly reflected in the non random design of all non autonomous universes that are governed by dark invisible malevolent entities that seek to control every aspect of exist of human beings.
The presence of non benevolent creator in form of dark malevolent entities casts controller effect or controlling observer effect through the use the non random deterministic constructs of fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP). This causes particles or individuals to experience interference and constraints in expression of their free will, autonomy and randomness, very much like how particles (or individuals) are confined to specific locations.
Here, behaviors are not only influenced but subjected to constant surveillance and control by fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP). This deterministic state of system leads to a non random and non autonomous existence that is full of division and strife and lacking in harmony, balance and free will. This extreme state is reflected in in the society with Crime and Violence with cosmic justice ever being elusive and not being met in the real time. This state of affairs is marked by total absence in autonomous universes.
By understanding these parallels, we gain insight into how the fundamental aspects of matter and energy in the universe can mirror human behavior and societal dynamics. Just as waves and particles coexist in the physical realm, the interplay between autonomy and control shapes the realities we experience, influencing everything from personal choices to collective harmony in our shared cosmic journey.
String Behavior and the Dual Nature of Strings
At the heart of string theory lies a profound departure from classical particle physics. Instead of envisioning particles as tiny, solid entities with defined positions and trajectories, string theory proposes that the fundamental constituents of the universe are one-dimensional strings. These strings vibrate at different frequencies and in various modes, akin to the strings of a musical instrument producing different notes. The vibrational modes of these strings correspond to different particles and forces in the universe. For instance, the lowest vibrational mode represents the graviton, which hypothetically mediates the force of gravity, while higher vibrational modes manifest as particles like electrons, quarks, and photons. This inherent vibrational quality of strings introduces a level of complexity that mirrors the duality observed in wave-particle behavior.
String Vibrations & how they parallel Human Behavior
In the context of string theory, the behavior of these vibrating strings mirrors the inherent nature of human beings. The degree of “string behavior” in individuals reflects the spectrum of randomness, free will, and autonomy they possess. At the highest degree of string behavior, corresponding to maximum randomness and cosmic equilibrium, one finds a reflection of autonomous universes where infinite free choices and a balance between wave and particle nature exist harmoniously.
Conversely, in non-autonomous universes, the degree of string behavior diminishes due to the imposition of deterministic frameworks influenced by non-benevolent creators. These creators, represented by the controller effect, limit free will and autonomy, leading to minimal choices and disruptions in the equilibrium of wave-particle duality. The presence of entities like the Fusion Matrix and holographic simulation projection further distorts the inherent randomness, pushing individuals toward deterministic paths where wave-like behavior is minimized, and particle-like behavior is maximized.
To understand the intricate interplay between wave-particle duality, string behavior, and human behavior, we must delve into the cosmic principles and laws that govern all universes. Autonomous universes, characterized by the benevolent observer effect, uphold principles of infinite possibilities, cosmic equilibrium, and adherence to truth and fairness. In such realms, the dance of wave-particle duality reflects the harmonious balance between free will and cosmic alignment.
On the other hand, non-autonomous universes exhibit disruptions in this equilibrium, reflecting struggles with inequality, control, and a lack of free will. The diminished string behavior and the dominance of particle-like attributes symbolize the deterministic nature of these realities, where external forces often dictate outcomes and choices for individuals.
The presence or absence of a benevolent creator greatly influences the nature of universes, shaping the degree of randomness, autonomy, and cosmic equilibrium. By unraveling the parallels between string theory, wave-particle duality, and human behavior, we gain profound insights into the essence of existence itself and the intricate balance between chaos and order in the cosmic symphony of realities.
To summarize how wave-particle duality is reflected as part of string dynamics in autonomous universes or string theory in non autonomous universes :
String Dynamics Basics: String Dynamics of autonomous universes becomes String theory in non autonomous universes. String Dynamics or String Theory proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but rather tiny, vibrating strings. These strings can oscillate in different modes, and the frequency of their vibrations determines the properties and nature of the particles they represent.
In the same manner, we can draw a parallel pf string dynamics to human behavior by considering individuals as complex strings of experiences, emotions, and actions. Each person can be seen as a unique string vibrating in different modes based on their experiences and choices.
Vibrational Modes: Just like a guitar string can vibrate in different modes to produce different musical notes, the strings in string theory can vibrate in various modes. In string theory, the oscillation of strings in various modes determines the properties of the particles they represent. Each mode corresponds to a different particle or force in the universe. For example, the lowest vibrational mode represents the graviton (a hypothetical particle associated with gravity), while higher vibrational modes correspond to particles like electrons, quarks, and photons.
This diversity in vibrational modes reflects the complexity and diversity of human behavior. Just as strings can vibrate in countless ways, human beings exhibit a wide range of behaviors, emotions, and responses to stimuli based on their unique personalities, experiences, and circumstances. In human behavior, the “modes” can represent various aspects such as emotions, thoughts, and actions. The frequency of these “vibrations” or modes can determine the traits and characteristics exhibited by individuals.
For example, consider two individuals: one who oscillates with positive frequencies characterized by kindness, empathy, and compassion, and another who oscillates with negative frequencies characterized by anger, selfishness, and negativity. These frequencies influence their behaviors and interactions, shaping their personalities and how they are perceived by others.
As we delve deeper into the interconnectedness of physics and human behavior through the lens of wave-particle duality and string dynamics, a harmonious interplay emerges. The vibrations of strings resonate with the vibrancy of human experiences, where the interplay of randomness, autonomy, and free will creates a dynamic, diverse, colorful and random fabric of human existence free from any divisive constraints or limitations.
It’s crucial to note that while parallels exist in autonomous universes, the analogy between string and human behavior & wave particle duality becomes difficult to comprehend for one simple reason – Physics is considered separate from human behavior. This is a FACT and also an ultimate form of untruth that has no resonance in cosmic fabric of autonomous universes.
In the non autonomous universes, human consciousness and decision-making processes are immensely complex and multifaceted only because they influenced by psychological, social, and cultural factors due to the presence of invisible dark malevolent entities (forming non benevolent creator). This influence and control severely disrupts the natural string behavior of matter that is the inherent source of randomness and fundamental reality of all the universes. The dark malevolent entities use non deterministic free will and freedom curtailing constructs of fusion matrix and holographic simulation projection (HSP) leading to a non random existence full of division and strife.
The extreme state of division and strife is reflected in the reality of Earth and the Universe that embodies it in form of wars, crime and violence. The harsh reality is that it is part of a non autonomous universe that has unlimited divisions and constraints at every level be it religion, nation, currency, language, caste, color, status, creed etc. There is disharmony and lack of unity both collectively as groups, communities or nations (as reflected in Wars) and also individually as reflected in extremely competitive nature to one another. Hence, the cosmic equilibrium of Wave Particle Duality (due to Constrained String Behavior) is severely disrupted in autonomous universes.
This non autonomous and non random state of existence limited choice is has no place in the cosmic fabric of autonomous universes. These universes are marked by absolute harmony and unity both collectively and individually which is reflected by the total absence of all divisions and constraints at every level be it religion, nation, currency, language, caste, color, status, creed etc.
There is absolute freedom for each individual to chose any exploratory path. There is no concept of religion and gods while there is one language, one currency, one visa for the entire planet. This removes every caste, religion, cultural barrier that creates hegemony at every level of human existence. Hence, the cosmic balance of Wave Particle Duality (due to String Dynamics) exists in perfect Cosmic Equilibrium in autonomous universes. This is reflected in perfect equilibrium of individual and group behavior and total absence of all types of hegemonies that divide humanity and individuals at all levels
Exploring these parallels not only deepens our understanding of physics but also invites serious contemplation on the human behavior, nature of consciousness, choice, and the intricate fabric of reality in which physics and all its concepts are not separate from human behavior. This binds us all in this vast cosmic playground to a common thread in which wave particle duality and string behavior is only a deep reflector of autonomy and free will or lack of it for all forms of life.
Must Read:
- The Shocking Reality of Earth
- Earth is Headed for a Big Reset
- Frontend and Backend in the Cosmos
- Decoding the Cosmic Reality through Sheer Power of Critical & Logical Reasoning
- Cosmic Fabric of Autonomous Universes
Understanding Physics through Human Behavior :
- Exploring Wave Nature of Matter & its Random Nature in Cosmic Fabric
- Wave Particle Duality, Randomness and its Parallels with Human Behavior
- Quantum Entanglement, Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP)
The Illusion & Fabrication of Reality – Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) & Fusion Matrix :
- The Battle for Autonomy: Unraveling the Impact of the Fusion Matrix on Human Behavior
- The Reason Earth lacks Free Will – Introducing Fusion Matrix & HSP
- Quantum Entanglement, Fusion Matrix and HSP
Learn More:
- Absence of Gods, Religions & Mystical Fascination in Autonomous Universes
- The Manifestation of Supernatural Powers – A journey through Cosmic Adherence
- The Unveiling of Extraordinary in the Everyday
- Reclaiming Autonomy through Randomness & Spontaneity
- The Reason Earth lacks Free Will – Introducing Fusion Matrix & HSP
- The Shocking Reality of Earth
- The Cosmic Truth of all Universes PDLR-OIAR
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