Learn about the Absence of Gods and Religions and Non Fascination for Pursuit of Truth & Supernatural Powers in Autonomous Universes in this article, that strictly adhere to the cosmic principles and laws of all universes that prime Free Will, Autonomy & Randomness. The fundamental law is cosmic equilibrium of creator and creation, that posits neither creator is bigger than the creation nor creation is bigger than the creator. When this fundamental law gets violated, it gives rise to non autonomous realities or non autonomous universes that harbor non autonomous planets like earth where the concept of religion and gods finds a deep resonance through fraudulent notions of liberation & enlightenment.
Its the very framework of enslavement in which the free will, autonomy and randomness of each individual is deeply compromised. Within the expansive fabric of human existence, the constructs of spiritual enlightenment, spiritual gurus and godliness have woven a complex web that often obscures the fundamental principles of autonomy, free will, and randomness. Beneath the veils of mysticism and transcendence lies a fundamental reality, rather than liberating the human spirit, All forms of Spiritual Constructs, Gods and Religions tend to bind it within the realms of non-autonomy, curtailed freedom, and a predetermined path of evolution.
Spiritual Enlightenment: A Mirage of Liberation
The concept of spiritual enlightenment, often portrayed as the pinnacle of human evolution, can be viewed as a mirage concealing the inherent autonomy and free will that should accompany genuine progress. In the quest for spiritual enlightenment, individuals might find themselves ensnared in predetermined rituals, dogmas, and rigid belief systems, relinquishing the true essence of free exploration and self-discovery.
Spiritual Gurus or Practitioners are often revered as guides on the path to enlightenment, however, their authority can become a source of non-autonomy & curtailed Free Will, suppressing the critical thinking and free will of their followers. The dependency on a guru figure or even a God may lead to a surrender of personal autonomy, limiting the individual’s capacity to navigate their own journey of self discovery exploration and understanding of cosmic reality through the vast myriad of diverse experiences. This limitation is directly against the Cosmic Laws and Principles of Zero Tolerance for Any form of Untruth and any Surrender of Personal Autonomy that compromises on the Principle of Equality.
Illusions of Liberation : The promises of Spiritual Enlightenment perpetuates the illusion of liberation, yet it often comes with preordained paths and predefined conditions. These constructs may inadvertently restrict the very autonomy and free will that are integral to personal evolution. True liberation implies the freedom to explore diverse paths, not adherence to a predetermined route. These Spiritual and Religious Constructs Curtail Freedom under the Veil of Non-Random Design – The concept of a preordained, non-random design implies a predetermined destiny.
This belief system can curtail the freedom to shape one’s life and make autonomous choices. The idea of a grand plan might restrict individuals from exploring diverse paths, hindering unbounded personal evolution without the confines of all limiting and divisive constructs of Gods, Spirituality, Religion and others and this is a cornerstone of Freedom defined by limitless Free Will, Randomness and Autonomy in all Autonomous Universes.
Gods and Godliness: Symbols of External Authority The constructs of gods and godliness introduce external authorities that govern the non autonomous, non random the so called ‘spiritual’ realm. This can limit personal autonomy by enforcing specific codes of conduct and restricting free thought. The notion of a higher power controlling one’s destiny can lead to a sense of powerlessness and dependency. In autonomous universes, the notion of a benevolent creator would not impose external deities or gods as true autonomy implies the individual’s capacity to navigate their evolutionary journey without the need for intermediaries or divine figures.
Spiritual constructs often contribute to the illusion of non-autonomy by prescribing specific practices, rituals, and belief systems. This illusionary framework can foster an environment where individuals feel bound by predetermined destinies and scripted paths through a non random design, hindering the authentic exploration of their own potential.
Curtailment of Freedom and Enslavement: The constructs of spiritual enlightenment, gurus, liberation, are deep rooted in Fraudulent Notions of Self Surrender, as they inadvertently curtail the freedom of individuals. Instead of empowering individuals to embrace their autonomy and free will, these constructs may lead to a form of spiritual enslavement, where adherence to predefined norms takes precedence over genuine self-discovery.
Subsequently the principles of Cosmic OCTET (as discussed below ) are violated and Laws of Universe not strictly adhered to. While spiritual constructs may offer solace and guidance to many, a careful examination reveals potential pitfalls. The illusion of evolution under the umbrella of non-autonomy, curtailed freedom, and potential mental enslavement requires critical scrutiny and that only manifests if Cosmic Equilibrium is maintained as per the guiding principles of Cosmic OCTET.
Cosmic OCTET Explained
- The Cosmic Octet PDLR-OIAR comprises two square parallelograms that are joined and interconnected to form a 3D Cube of unbounded Autonomy, Free Will and Randomness as governed by the foundation principle of zero tolerance for any and every form of Untruth & Inequality for Understanding, Observing (without inherent prejudices), Acting in alignment with Universal laws and Cosmic Principles and Navigating the Cosmic Journey. The Cosmic OCTET is defined by the following attributes:
- Two Square Parallelograms: The Cosmic Octet is depicted as two square parallelograms, each representing distinct but interconnected aspects of the cosmic journey. The first square parallelogram, denoted as PDLR (Principles, Selfless Devotion, Equality in Love, Universal Relationships), embodies foundational principles of zero tolerance for any and every form of untruth that maintains cosmic equilibrium and unity through unselfish devotion and equality of love, while the second, OIAR (Observation, Intent, Action, Repeat Action – Karma), pertains to scrutiny, critical examination of self and surrounding environment, formulation of resolute intent followed by action, repeat action and growth.
- Vertices of PDLR: The vertices of the PDLR square parallelogram include Principles of Zero Tolerance for all inequalities, any and every form of Untruth that manifests Unselfish Devotion towards most important relationships – Parents, Husband or Wife, Children and all other family members. This Unselfish Devotion manifests Equality in Love in all our Personal Relationships. Unwavering Commitment to Equality of Love in all directions manifests Interconnectivity with all of humanity encompassing highlight – our relationship with all of mankind and various elements of nature. These elements form the bedrock of ethical conduct and interpersonal connections, guiding individuals in their cosmic quest.
- Vertices of OIAR: The OIAR square parallelogram is characterized by vertices such as Observation, Intent, Action, and Repeat Action. These vertices represent the dynamic process of critical thinking and observation of surroundings, environment, nature complemented with critical examination of self, that formulates resolute intent or uncompromised Free Will, that propels an individual to take action in alignment with cosmic principles and laws of universe and repeat the actions under diverse range of experiences irrespective of the challenge they pose. This manifests Evolution through Action, Repeat Action (Karma) and Cosmic Understanding through the sheer power of Razor-sharped objective examination of self and nature without any prejudice to know all the aspects of Cosmic Reality.
- Connection Between PDLR and OIAR: The vertices of PDLR are connected to those of OIAR, symbolizing the intrinsic relationship between foundational principles, scrutiny, critical self and environment examination and actionable steps. This connection underscores the importance of alignment of resolute intent (or free will) in maintenance of uncompromised principles, unselfish devotion, cosmic equilibrium and interconnectivity with careful scrutiny, critical examination of self and environment to understand cosmic reality and translating the will into purposeful action (to maintain uncorrupted and unselfish Karma)
- Foundation of PDLR & Manifestation of Abilities : The foundation of PDLR is based on Zero Tolerance for any and every form of Untruth and Inequality. This principle serves as a guiding light, empowering individuals to critically self-examine and understand the nature of cosmic reality. By adhering to the principles of PDLR and engaging in the process outlined by OIAR, individuals manifest unbounded free will, randomness, and autonomy. This manifestation enables them to navigate the cosmic journey with clarity, integrity, and purpose.

In summary, the Cosmic Octet PDLR-OIAR provides an unhackable 3D Cube of Autonomy, Free will and Randomness for individuals even in Non Autonomous Universes to navigate the complexities and challenges that arise with non autonomous existence. It emphasizes the integration of uncompromised principles, unwavering commitment to zero tolerance for any and every form on Untruth and Inequality, maintenance of cosmic equilibrium of equality of love in all directions through unselfish devotion, understanding interconnectivity and relationship with humanity and various elements of nature (that will remain compromised until one has not resolutely maintained previous 3 principles of P,D,L). Once this is maintained, it formulates unparalleled observation, scrutiny, critical examination ability of self, surroundings, environment, nature and whole of Cosmos.
When there is Razor Sharp Eye for observing even a speck of dust or impurity in the purest of platforms, it manifests unparalleled Free Will, Autonomy to take decisions and exercise choices that align with Cosmic Principles and adhere to Universal Laws. The manifested Free Will or Resolute Intent then translates into purposeful action, leading to the realization of all cosmic truths (just by adhering to all the elements of Cosmic OCTET) and the attainment of personal evolution and growth. Unhackable Cosmic OCTET for each individual results in culmination of his transformative journey in becoming a Cosmic Entity, a Universal Soldier – Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer, one who becomes the Protector of principles and laws of Cosmic OCTET.
Learn more about the Cosmic OCTET in this Article : The Cosmic Truth of all Universes PDLR-OIAR
True Essence of Randomness
Embracing Autonomy, Free will and Randomness allows for a more profound and personal exploration of the human experience, unbound by rigid spiritual frameworks. To understand this in totality – lets understand what is the meaning and real essence of Randomness ?
Randomness, in its essence, embodies an unbounded experimental field wherein individuals have the freedom to explore and discover without constraints. It represents a realm of limitless possibilities where one can navigate through various experiences and paths, unrestrained by predetermined outcomes or preordained destinies. In this realm of randomness, individuals are empowered to chart their own course, guided by an unselfish devotion towards humanity. There exists a deep commitment to uplift and support one another, fostering an environment of mutual growth and collective advancement.
Central to this concept is the adherence to principles and laws deeply embedded within the Cosmic Octet – PDLR OIAR. These principles serve as the foundational framework that ensures the preservation of individual autonomy and free will. They provide a set of guidelines that govern the interactions and experiences within this realm of randomness, safeguarding against the imposition of external influences or limitations. Within the domain of randomness, individuals are liberated from the shackles of conformity and preconceived notions. They are encouraged to embrace their uniqueness and individuality, celebrating the diversity of perspectives and experiences that enrich the collective tapestry of humanity.
Ultimately, randomness offers the promise of unbounded freedom and personal autonomy, allowing individuals to realize their fullest potential and contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving tapestry of human existence.
The Autonomy Paradox: Liberating the Spiritual Essence – The paradox lies in the fact that the pursuit of spiritual constructs falsely promises liberation but its the exact opposite – it leads to the entrapment of Autonomy and Free Will- the principle virtues of Autonomous Realities. True Self Discovery and Understanding of Cosmic Reality requires the unraveling of illusions, the questioning of predefined paths, and the recognition that any form of Fascination for Spiritual Enlightenment or Mystical Superpowers is an abject slavery that is not free from the shackles of non-autonomy, non random design & curtailed Free Will.
Unmasking the Incompatibility of Non Duality with Cosmic Laws that embody inherent Dualism
One of the philosophical systems rooted in ancient traditions, proposes the concept of non-dualism, emphasizing the oneness of the individual soul (Atman) with the supreme reality (Brahman). A closer look reveals potential incongruities with the fundamental principles encapsulated in the Cosmic OCTET. This objective critical analysis aims to illuminate how this system, in its pursuit of non-dualism, may compromise the principles of autonomy, free will, and randomness where duality is the Cornerstone of Absolute Autonomy, Free Will & Randomness.
The philosophical system with its core tenet of non-dualism, asks individuals to transcend the perceived dualities of the world and recognize the underlying oneness of existence. While this non-dualistic vision promises a profound sense of unity, but it is deep rooted in non autonomy and non random design as it leads to erosion of individual autonomy. To illustrate, consider the analogy of a drop merging into the ocean. While the merging implies a union with the vastness of the ocean, it also entails a loss of the distinct identity of the drop.
Similarly, in the pursuit of non-duality in this philosophical system, the individual’s identity may be overshadowed by the emphasis on the universal consciousness. This shift raises concerns about the potential erosion of personal agency and autonomy. The quest for non-duality should not undermine the value of personal agency, choice, and the unique contributions that each individual brings to the symphony of existence.
Non-Duality and Cosmic Principles
An Ancient Philosophical System posits the idea of non-duality, suggesting an undivided oneness of the self with the ultimate reality. However, this concept clashes with the cosmic laws that govern the dynamics of the universes. In a universe where adherence to the principles of Cosmic OCTET prevails, non-duality is an illusion, as the essence of autonomy and free will demands a dual state for individuals.
Challenge and Dualism: The principle of zero tolerance for any form of untruth, a fundamental tenet of the Cosmic OCTET, implies a dualistic state when confronted with challenges or deviations from cosmic laws. In an autonomous universe, individuals, while embodying humility and adherence to principles, may adopt a dualistic state when facing non-autonomous entities. This dualism is a necessary response to uphold cosmic principles in the face of opposition. The dual state is not a contradiction but a dynamic response to opposition, allowing individuals to maintain autonomy and uphold cosmic equilibrium despite external pressures or challenges posed by Dark Evil Entities that are the destroyers of Autonomy and Free Will.
Adherence to Cosmic Laws Requires Dualism: Strict adherence to cosmic laws demands a permanent dual state for individuals. In an autonomous universe, where the principles of PDLR-OIAR govern, individuals maintain humility, unselfish devotion, and equality. However, when confronted with non-autonomous forces, the same individual adopts a dualistic stance, which is exact opposite to their original state of humility, unselfish devotion and equality to resist compromising on these principles. This dualism is not a contradiction but a dynamic response to preserve the cosmic equilibrium. A Calm and Peaceful Person becomes a Resolute and Aggressive, to defend the turf of Autonomy and Free Will and the Principles of Cosmic Octet that embody Zero Tolerance for Untruth of any form.
Autonomy and the Illusion of Non-Duality: The essence of the ancient philosophical system lies in transcending the apparent duality of the world to realize a non-dual existence. While this pursuit offers a false sense of unity, it also tends to diminish the importance of individual autonomy. The emphasis on merging with the universal consciousness can be interpreted as a dissolution of personal identity, potentially leading to a surrender of one’s autonomy which goes directly against the Principles and Laws of the Universe that are deeply embodied in Cosmic Octet.
Free Will and the Paradox of Determinism: The ancient philosophical system contends that the individual soul (Atman) is inherently identical to the supreme reality (Brahman). This interconnectedness raises questions about the existence of free will. If all is one and predetermined, the notion of making independent choices becomes paradoxical, challenging the principle of free will.
Randomness and the Predetermined Cosmos: The non dual ancient philosophical system leans towards a deterministic worldview, where the universe is a manifestation of the eternal and unchanging Brahman. This deterministic perspective contradicts the principle of randomness, suggesting that events unfold according to a predetermined cosmic plan rather than through spontaneous and unpredictable occurrences.
The Erosion of Personal Experience: The non dual ancient philosophical system encourages seekers to transcend the phenomenal world and realize the underlying unity. However, this transcendence may inadvertently devalue personal experiences. In the pursuit of non-duality, individual narratives, emotions, and the richness of diverse experiences may be overshadowed, diminishing the significance of personal growth and learning.
The limitations of the non dual ancient philosophical system and other Similar Religious or Spiritual Constructs becomes apparent when examined through the principles of the Cosmic OCTET. In a universe governed by autonomy, free will, and randomness, non-duality falls short in encompassing the dynamic responses demanded by the cosmic laws that underpin the vast fabric of the universes.
Examples of Dualism to uphold Cosmic Laws
In an autonomous universe governed by the principles of the Cosmic OCTET, individuals display a remarkable adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges posed by non-autonomous systems or encounters with dark and evil entities. The inherent dualism becomes apparent as individuals navigate the contrasting landscapes of autonomy and non-autonomy.
- Shift in Personality Traits – Example: A person known for their humble and polite nature may undergo a profound transformation when exposed to a non-autonomous environment that embodies Curtailing of Free Will and Randomness. Faced with aggression or deceit, the individual might adopt an egoistic, clever and aggressive stance to resist compromising on principles and would fight Dark Entities rather than coexist with that corrupted reality. So a Person who is most Polite becomes Impolite as the reality shift happens.
- Patience vs. Impatience – Example: The intrinsic patience of an individual in an autonomous reality can undergo a shift towards impatience when confronted with the chaotic and unpredictable nature of a non-autonomous reality. This adaptation serves as a defense mechanism against the challenges presented by the Evil or Dark Entities as part of Non Autonomous Reality. Maintaining a non dual stance is basically defending the Non Random Non Autonomous Design.
- Spending Habits – Example: In an autonomous universe, where resources are abundant and shared harmoniously, an individual may exhibit open hearted spending behavior. However, when transposed into a non-autonomous reality where the money goes to the Dark Malevolent Entities, the same individual may transform into a careful spender to navigate the challenging circumstances. This Personality shift or Dualism is only due to Strictest Adherence to the Cosmic Laws and uncompromised state of that Individual, who doesn’t coexist with darkness and exercises full autonomy and this dualism can never find any meaning or expression in non dual systems due to its fundamental difference with Cosmic Laws of Autonomy, Free Will, Zero Tolerance for any form of Untruth and Inequality.
- Truthful Nature in Non-Autonomous Reality – Example: A person accustomed to upholding truth in an autonomous setting may find themselves compelled to adopt strategic communication or even withhold information when faced with the manipulative and deceptive nature of non-autonomous systems. In those systems Speaking Untruth might be the biggest form of Truth. this point exposes the limitations of all Spiritual Doctrines as those are just agents and tools of brain washing the masses with the Fraud Concepts of We are One when in a Reality that thrives on Separation and Division and Boundaries of all kinds.
- The Limitations of Gender Neutral State – The Most Masculine becomes Feminine and vice verse, in exhibiting those traits when the nature of Reality Changes from Autonomous to non Autonomous in response to a Non Random Challenge presented by the Darkness as that is in alignment with the laws of the Universe and Cosmic Principles embedded in the Cosmic OCTET PDLR-OIAR. Masculine coexists with Feminine in complete balance in all cosmic beings that adhere to the laws of the Universe. So this Gender Neutral State in any system is also flawed and against the laws of universes and all cosmic principles and truths. A person never leaves his partner in the search of any truth nor the partners change with successive lifetimes. This is a strong limitation of Spiritual Enlightenment that a person becomes Gender Neutral.
This real dualism is not a contradiction but a dynamic response to maintain alignment with the principles of the Cosmic OCTET. The adaptability and the ability to adopt a dualistic stance showcase the strength and resilience of individuals who remain steadfast in their commitment to truth, humility, and equality despite the challenges presented by non-autonomous realities.
The Fraud of Coexistence of Light & Darkness in a Human Being
For centuries, humanity has been captivated by the idea of seeking liberation, often depicted as the journey towards enlightenment or spiritual awakening. However, lurking beneath the surface of these camouflaged aspirations lies a fraudulent construct that has been perpetuated by the falsehood of the Fusion Matrix and HSP (Holographic Simulation Projection).
The fraudulent construct of light and darkness coexisting within individuals is a clever manipulation designed to exert control over the masses. It suggests that evolution happens by embracing both positive and negative aspects of one’s being. This notion, fraudulently propagated by the Fusion Matrix and HSP, instills fear, guilt, and confusion, leading individuals to believe that they must struggle with their inner demons and submit and surrender to achieve liberation thereby losing total autonomy and free will in process.
The Concept of Light & Darkness as an Evolutionary Tool revolves around the deceptive notion of the coexistence of light and darkness within a human being, serving the agenda of deceptive ‘spiritual authorities‘ – all who are agents of non autonomy, zero free will and non randomness
No Real Evolution and Cosmic Understanding occurs at the expense of Surrender of Autonomy, Free Will, Equality and Critical Examination of Self and Nature. Cosmic Nature is not bigger than its own Creation and it never asks anyone to Surrender or Submit in the name of Evolution under the Garb of Falsehood of Spiritual Advancement or Self Realisation.
In reality, this fraudulent construct of duality of light and darkness stands in stark contrast to the genuine duality embodied in the Cosmic OCTET – the fundamental principles governing the laws of the universe where there is Zero Tolerance for any and every form of Untruth, Selfishness & Inequality and only Tolerance for traits of Uncorrupted Truth, Unselfish Devotion and Equality. This is like two extreme positions that are analogous to Mathematical notions of Negative Infinity and Positive Infinity for protection of Cosmic Laws.
Unlike the deceptive illusions of the Fusion Matrix, the Cosmic OCTET upholds the principle of zero tolerance for any and every form of untruth and inequality under all circumstances and conditions. It is crucial to discern between the fraudulent construct of duality perpetuated by the Fusion Matrix and the genuine duality of the Cosmic OCTET. While the former seeks to exploit individuals for ulterior motives, the latter serves as the cornerstone of universal laws, promoting autonomy, free will, and truth.
The genuine duality of the Cosmic OCTET is about the recognition of coexistence of opposing forces within the individual particularly to combat evil and thwart attempts at control and manipulation. These opposing forces, such as anger, ego, and arrogance, are not inherently good or bad but are harnessed with the sole purpose of maintaining the law of zero tolerance for any and every form of untruth and inequality. In this context, traits like anger, ego, and arrogance are not bound by moral judgments but are wielded as tools to confront and overcome evil or deceptive forces that seek to impose their will and perpetuate falsehoods. For example, a normally calm and humble individual may adopt a ferocious and angry demeanor when confronted with malevolent entities or situations that threaten their autonomy and freedom. Similarly, they may exhibit heightened ego and arrogance as a means of asserting their sovereignty and resisting enslavement by dark forces.
The crucial distinction lies in the context in which these extreme personality traits are expressed. When wielded with free will and autonomy, they serve as a means of defense against evil and manipulation, embodying the individual’s commitment to upholding cosmic laws and principles. However, when these traits are exhibited in the absence of free will, such as under the influence of external forces or coercion, they lose their moral integrity and become tools of oppression and control. This concept challenges the conventional moral codes prescribed by religions, gods, and spiritual constructs, which often attach morality to specific personality traits. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of discernment and self-awareness in utilizing these traits in service of truth and justice.
By embracing the genuine duality of the Cosmic OCTET and recognizing the instrumental role of extreme personality traits in combating Evil design of Fusion Matrix and HSP that control Free Will, Autonomy and Natural State of Randomness of every human being, individuals can reclaim their Autonomy, Freedom and stand firm against the forces of darkness and deception. In doing so, they uphold the principles of truth, equality, and freedom that form the cornerstone of cosmic laws.
By recognizing the true nature of duality and rejecting the deceptive illusions of the Fusion Matrix, HSP & Spiritual Enslavement, individuals can embark on a journey of genuine self-discovery and evolution by embracing the principles of the Cosmic OCTET, leading to liberation from the shackles of deceit and manipulation of Organized Religions. The Cult creators or Spiritual Preachers control the very essence of cosmic fabric of universe, that is to be left in natural free state represented by autonomy, free will and randomness.
Role of Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) and Fusion Matrix in creating illusion of Liberation
Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) refers to a simulated reality projected by dark malevolent entities to manipulate and control beings within the universe. This projection serves as a tool to suppress autonomy, free will, and randomness, thereby subjugating individuals to the influence of these malevolent forces. HSP operates by creating a simulated environment that mirrors aspects of the alternative reality but is designed to deceive and ensnare sentient beings.
Within this simulation, individuals may perceive themselves as making choices and decisions, but these actions are ultimately predetermined or influenced by the manipulative malevolent forces behind the projection. The purpose of HSP is to undermine the natural order represented by the Cosmic OCTET of PDLR-OIAR, which embodies principles of autonomy, free will, and randomness. The dark entities responsible for HSP seek to exert control over beings and prevent them from realizing their full potential as autonomous and sovereign entities.
Learn more on Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) : Why Earth lacks Autonomy & Free Will- Introducing Fusion Matrix & HSP
By curbing autonomy and free will, HSP effectively dismantles the 3D cube of unbounded free will and autonomy represented by the Cosmic OCTET. This cube symbolizes the limitless freedom and self-determination inherent in the universe, allowing beings to explore, learn, and evolve according to their own volition. However, HSP distorts this natural order, trapping beings within a simulated reality where their choices are constrained and manipulated.
This suppression of autonomy and free will deprives individuals of the opportunity to grow and evolve organically, stifling their ability to transcend limitations and embrace their true potential. Furthermore, HSP undermines the principle of randomness by introducing predetermined outcomes and scripted events into the simulated reality. Instead of experiencing the true randomness and unpredictability of the universe, beings are subjected to artificial constraints and controlled narratives crafted by the malevolent entities behind the projection.
In essence, Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) represents a perversion of the natural order and a violation of the fundamental principles governing the universe. By exploiting and distorting the autonomy, free will, and randomness inherent in the Cosmic OCTET, dark malevolent entities seek to exert dominance and control over all beings within the simulated reality. Recognizing and resisting HSP is essential for individuals seeking to reclaim their autonomy and embrace the true essence of cosmic existence.

Fusion Matrix – The Fusion Matrix is a metaphysical construct used by dark malevolent entities to manipulate and suppress the autonomy, free will, and randomness of all beings within the universe. This matrix serves as a tool for these entities to exert control over individuals and thwart their ability to realize their true potential as autonomous and sovereign beings. The Fusion Matrix operates by merging or fusing the consciousness (soul or energy body invisible to the naked eye) of sentient beings with malevolent entities or dark forces.
Through this fusion, the entities gain access to the thoughts, emotions, and actions of the individuals, allowing them to influence and manipulate their behavior. By infiltrating the consciousness (soul or energy body invisible to the naked eye) of beings through the Fusion Matrix, dark malevolent entities can subvert their autonomy and free will, effectively curtailing their ability to make independent choices and decisions. Instead of acting according to their own volition, individuals become unwitting vessels for the agendas of these malevolent forces.
The combination of Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) play significant roles in perpetuating the illusion of Spiritual Enlightenment, Liberation and misleading individuals under the guise of ‘Spiritual’ Evolution and growth. The Word ‘Spiritual’ has gained a corrupted connotation and is perhaps the most abused word as there is nothing evolutionary about it. It hinges between enslavement and perpetuation of Falsehoods to hoodwink humanity for the Sole Reasons of Power & Control. These constructs exploit people’s aspirations for enlightenment and self-realization, presenting themselves as paths to higher consciousness and liberation while actually undermining personal autonomy, free will, and genuine exploration.
The Fusion Matrix operates as a pervasive network of societal, cultural, and institutional influences that shape individuals’ beliefs, behaviors, and perceptions. It constructs narratives and ideologies that align with its objectives, including the promotion of Spiritual Advancement or Liberation as a means of deceptive ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’. By disseminating these narratives through various channels such as religious institutions, spiritual communities, and media platforms, the Fusion Matrix creates a framework within which individuals are encouraged to seek spiritual growth and self-realization.
Similarly, HSP reinforces the illusion of Liberation or Spiritual Advancement by projecting simulated realities and experiences that further the agenda of Dark Entities which is to gain control and enslave masses using Fear as a Tool. Through HSP, individuals may perceive altered states of consciousness, cleverly orchestrated mystical events, or corrupted transcendent experiences that seem to confirm the validity of non-dualistic beliefs and further the agenda of all the Agents of Non Autonomy, Zero Free Will and Non Random Design (basically enslavement of the masses). These simulated experiences, often presented as ‘spiritual’ revelations or enlightenment, serve to further entrench individuals in the illusion of Liberation, and dissuade them from questioning its underlying premises that can help them break the shackles of Non Autonomy & understand the Real Cosmic Reality through the Power of Critical Thinking, Keen Observation and Logical Reasoning,
By leveraging the Fusion Matrix and HSP, proponents of the Constructs of Liberation, Spiritual Advancement, manipulate individuals’ perceptions and experiences, steering them away from genuine self-exploration and personal autonomy. Instead of empowering individuals to chart their own paths of growth and discovery, these constructs impose predetermined narratives and belief systems that inhibit Critical Reasoning and Self and Nature Examination that can manifest understanding of Cosmic Reality and all the Laws of the Universe without any ‘Mystical Phenomenon’. In reality, true evolution, self discovery and growth entail embracing personal autonomy, free will, and the courage to question established dogmas and ideologies.
By recognizing the influence of the Fusion Matrix and HSP in promoting Falsehood of Liberation, Spiritual Advancement or Enlightenment, individuals can reclaim their autonomy and embark on genuine paths of unbounded real growth and self-discovery. This requires discernment, critical thinking, and a willingness to challenge ingrained beliefs and narratives propagated by external influences. In doing so, individuals can liberate themselves from the illusion of spiritual enlightenment, non-duality and pursue authentic paths of evolution and self discovery to know the cosmic reality by a powerful combination of Diverse Experiences, Joyful Learning (unbounded in nature without restrictions, while its the opposite that is observed in the schooling system) and Critical Reasoning and Self Examination.
Light and Darkness comparison with Fusion Matrix & Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) Conduit
The concept of the coexistence of light and darkness represents a profound deception that obscures the true nature of human beings. Why it is Comparable with the Fusion Matrix – let us try to understand in detail. The Fusion Matrix serves as a metaphysical fabric believed to house both the soul and dark malevolent entities. However, this arrangement is not one of balance or harmony but rather a mechanism designed to suppress individual autonomy, free will, and randomness. In this fraudulent scenario, the Fusion Matrix in coordination with Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP, more on this in the next section) operates as a conduit for dark energies and invisible dark malevolent forces to infiltrate the energy body of an individual.
Rather than inherent darkness within the individual, it is these external entities that inject negativity and manipulation, enslaving or attempting to enslave both the soul and the physical matter associated with the individual. This manipulation effectively stifles the individual’s ability to exercise free will, make autonomous choices, and navigate life’s circumstances with true randomness. To illustrate this concept further, consider the following examples:
- Manipulative Influence: In cases where individuals experience intrusive thoughts, impulses, or behaviors that are contrary to their innate values or desires, it may not be an inherent aspect of their character but rather the influence of dark entities operating within the Fusion Matrix in coordination with HSP. For instance, a person suddenly experiencing violent or self-destructive urges despite having no history of such inclinations may be under the sway of malevolent forces seeking to control their actions.
- Emotional Turmoil: Individuals who find themselves overwhelmed by feelings of despair, hopelessness, or intense negativity may attribute these emotions solely to personal shortcomings or psychological issues. However, such emotional turmoil can also be instigated or exacerbated by the presence of dark energies within the Fusion Matrix, which actively feed on and amplify negative emotions to maintain their grip on the individual’s psyche or make individuals exercise choices that are not aligned to the soul purpose or adheres to cosmic principles and laws.
- Dogma and Confusion: Many individuals grapple with existential questions, doubts, or a sense of disconnection from higher truths. While such experiences are natural aspects of the human condition, persistent confusion or disillusionment may indicate interference from dark entities within the Fusion Matrix, clouding the individual’s perception and distorting their understanding of cosmic realities and pushing them towards Organized Religion or Falsehood of Spiritual Enlightenment.
- Non Autonomous Existence: The only purpose of these constructs is to gain mass control of autonomy of individuals and enslave the humanity into a system of beliefs and systematic brain washing, that weakens their Cosmic OCTET principles and inhibits the understanding of Cosmic Reality, Cosmic Principles and Laws which otherwise could have been understood through the sheer power of Objective Observation, Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning in the absence of such Falsehood Propagated by the Agents of Non Autonomy that aim to curtail and control the Free Will and Randomness of Sentient Beings.
- Struggles with Progress: Despite sincere efforts to cultivate personal growth, resilience, or positive change, individuals may encounter persistent obstacles or setbacks that hinder their progress. These challenges may stem not from inherent limitations but from the disruptive influence of dark energies within the Fusion Matrix, which actively resist any attempts at self-improvement or spiritual advancement.
- Relationship Discord: Interpersonal conflicts, dysfunctional relationships, or patterns of abuse can often be traced back to underlying energetic imbalances within the Fusion Matrix. Rather than solely attributing such issues to individual character flaws or external circumstances, it is essential to recognize the role of dark entities in perpetuating discord and strife within interpersonal dynamics.
By recognizing the insidious nature of the Fusion Matrix and its role in perpetuating deception and enslavement, individuals can begin to reclaim their autonomy, free will, and capacity for genuine self-discovery by making choices that are in alignment with the Cosmic Laws and Principles and also the Soul Purpose and that can only happen if the Principle of Zero Tolerance for Untruth and Inequality is exercised or remains uncompromised in all walks of life.
The Battle with Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP)
This process of infiltration of the Energy Field of Individual (with Dark Entities, Dark Energy and or Dark Matter) or fightback continues until Soul Blends fully with the Darkness and becomes Dark or the Matter and Soul combination expel and destroy the Fusion Matrix and HSP Conduit fully for that Individual. The path to Expel Fusion Matrix and HSP is not an Ordinary Path, neither for the Weak Hearted, its path of Sacrifice, Unselfish Devotion for the entire Mankind, the path of higher good, the path that asks to walk in the No Man’s Land. This path of expulsion of Evil from his energy field is a path of utmost Mental and Physical Torture (a path of uncountable Disgraceful Dark Malevolent Evil Entities and Harsh Disgraceful Experiences) that he has to experience and endure in the darkest corners and that too alone, to establish Cosmic Laws and Principles in the Worst Non Autonomous States of Existence one cannot even dream off.
This event of Expulsion of Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP) and Fusion Matrix coincides with the Manifestation of Supernatural Superpowers for the Individual where the Frontend or Visible Physical State (Matter State of the Soul) undergoes rapid transformation and becomes invisible and takes up the mantle to Destroy Fusion Matrices and Holographic Simulation Projections for all the sentient beings (as they are fine tuned and programmed like radio channels for each) enslaved by this Fraudulent Evil Nexus across Multiple Universes. At this point, the individual has not only repeatedly mastered the Cosmic Reality in all directions by adhering to Cosmic Laws and Principles even in the most challenging and complex situations of Non Autonomous Reality, but also he is or becomes the Ultimate Destroyer of Destroyers (those who create realities to destroy Autonomy Free Will and Randomness).
He is or becomes an ultimate Soldier who also has the Superpowers to Destroy Time and Space constructs for all realities – a state where any limitations of Time, Space, Matter and all the elements of Cosmic Reality either cease to exist, submerge into him or emerge from him – basically he is (or becomes) the ultimate embodiment of the Random Nature itself. A State perhaps only known and experienced by the Individual, yet it remains known (especially in Autonomous Universes) known and open book because this fosters larger collective benefit for the humanity and leads to freedom and empowerment of the entire mankind.
He is the law of all Realities or becomes the law of all realities (after expelling Evil Non Autonomy and Non Random Design), he is the Infinity energy field of Free Will and Autonomy or becomes the Infinity energy field of Free Will, Randomness and Autonomy that not only Protects the inherent Principles and Laws of the Cosmic OCTET PDLR-OIAR, but also is the Ultimate Protector of Innocence (Children). He is the One who creates Life, Universes, Galaxies, Star formations and Planets that harbor life as per the Cosmic Laws and Principles embodied in the Cosmic OCTET. He is the embodiment of ultimate truth, which is available to all in the Autonomous Universes and is not a hidden secret.
In Non Autonomous Universes, these powers are never bestowed as those realities are under the gambit of Evil, hence there is always fascination to attain that state which is symbolic of ‘Godliness’ as it has Power written all over it. This is the reason that witness of such events created so much fascination for Non Autonomous Dark Malevolent Entities that in order to live and experience those, they started creating Fusion Matrix and HSP for all Individuals, which would give Dark Entities the chance to become Gods, Famous Saints, Spiritual Masters or Preachers and or Celebrities across all walks of life and enslave the masses with their own agenda.
If the individual is not already a Cosmic Protector and Creator and Maintainer of Autonomous Realities and Destroyer of Non Autonomous Universes (that do not follow the Cosmic Laws and Principles), then he is ushered in the Role of a Universal Soldier – Protector of Cosmic Laws and Cosmic Truths. If the Individual is already a Lawmaker and Lawkeeper – Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer- he further progresses by displaying Unprecedented Display Mystical Superpowers from the frontend or the visible state of the matter and completely transforms the darkest of the darkest Non Autonomous Universes to a Complete New Reality – Autonomous Universe – driven by the virtues of Free Will, Autonomy and Randomness without the Evil Constructs of Fusion Matrix and HSP. These Superpowers were always kept in the Reservoir of Infinity Mystical Superpowers but were never used till date.
The Lawmaker – Ultimate Protector of Cosmic Truths, embodiment of Maximum Duality
The Lawmaker who is also a Universal Solder, a Cosmic Creator, Maintainer, and Destroyer stands as the epitome of duality, embodying the essence of cosmic truth within the vast expanse of the universe to the laws of all Universes as per the Principles governed by Cosmic OCTET PDLR-OIAR the core of which is Zero Tolerance for any and every form of Untruth (which means total rejection of the notion of light and darkness) and Inequality. The Pure cannot coexist with Impure, in the same way – light cannot coexist with darkness (analogous to mental state of pure and impure, not the nature phenomenon of day and night). Here is how :
Dualistic Nature: The Universal Soldier encompasses the utmost duality, harmonizing opposing forces within the cosmic fabric. As the Creator, they breathe life into existence; as the Maintainer, they uphold the delicate balance of the cosmos; and as the Destroyer, they pave the way for renewal and transformation.
Balance and Harmony: In their role as the Universal Soldier, Lawmaker and Lawkeeper, duality is not a source of conflict but a catalyst for balance and harmony. They navigate the intricate dance between creation and destruction, ensuring that equilibrium reigns supreme across all realms of existence.
Devoid of Untruths: Despite their dualistic nature, the Universal Soldier remains untainted by inherent untruths. Their actions are guided by the principles of autonomy, free will, and randomness, rooted in a deep understanding of cosmic laws and universal truths.
Embodiment of Cosmic Truth: As the ultimate guardian of cosmic order, the Universal Soldier embodies the highest form of truth – a truth that transcends the limitations of non-duality (only duality is unbounded and inherently free just like randomness) and embraces the interconnectedness of all existence. Their presence resonates with the essence of the universe itself, offering guidance and wisdom to all who seek enlightenment. In essence, the Universal Soldier stands as a beacon of duality within the cosmic expanse, embodying the essence of truth and harmony. Their dual nature is not a contradiction but a testament to the multifaceted nature of existence, guiding the cosmos along its eternal journey of creation, maintenance, and destruction.
Must Read:
- The Shocking Reality of Earth
- Frontend and Backend in the Cosmos
- Decoding the Cosmic Reality through Sheer Power of Critical & Logical Reasoning
- Cosmic Fabric of Autonomous Universes
Understanding Physics through Human Behavior :
- The Unifying Framework of String Dynamics – Cosmic Equilibrium of Creator & Creation
- How Human Behavior mirrors entire Cosmic Order through String Dynamics
- Exploring Wave Nature of Matter & its Random Nature in Cosmic Fabric
- Wave Particle Duality, String Dynamics, Randomness and its Parallels with Human Behavior
- Quantum Entanglement, Fusion Matrix and Holographic Simulation Projection (HSP)